Ready to Cure Your Busy Brain?

Ready to Cure Your Busy Brain?

This page is jam-packed with free resources to help cure your Busy Brain. I’ll also send you emails over the next two weeks to support your healing.

Want to access the entire brainSHIFT Protocol immediately?

Order my national best-seller, The Busy Brain Cure, today and:

  • Unlock the full 8-week brainSHIFT Protocol: A holistic cure to reset your brain using practical microhabits to fix your sleep, tame anxiety, and improve your focus.
  • Heal the Root Cause: Gain insights into the interconnectedness of ADHD, anxiety, and insomnia, and how brainSHIFT reverses these symptoms.
  • Biohack Your Life: Learn to curb sugar cravings and stress-eating through nutritional microhabits – no diet or cleanse required!

Backed by over 20 years of clinical research and real-world application, The Busy Brain Cure is the ultimate guide to curing your Busy Brain and reaching your peak performance.

Understanding Your Busy Brain Test Results

What is Dr. Romie’s Busy Brain Test?

The Busy Brain Test is a validated neuropsychology stress test that measures the effect of stress on cognition, mood, sleep, and physical health.

Which category do you fit into below?


Score less than 30

Congratulations! You’re part of the exceptional 8% of test-takers who are remarkable stress managers. This means you display emotional resilience and possess effective stress management skills that allow you to maintain a positive mental attitude, no matter what comes your way.

You are likely to find that you can process your emotions effectively, perform under pressure, and manage your current life stressors with ease.

Continue implementing and perhaps even amplifying your stress management strategies. This can include maintaining your physical health, adhering to healthy sleep routines, and practicing mindfulness to enhance your brainPOWER further.


Score 30 – 40

If you’re in this category, making up around 10% of test-takers, you might often feel mentally drained despite getting rest and enough sleep.

You may experience a sense of fatigue and find it difficult to focus, feeling both physically tired and mentally wired. You might notice that your usual pick-me-ups like caffeine, exercise, or a full night’s sleep no longer recharge you like they used to.

Start implementing the brainSHIFT Protocol. These techniques can help cure your Busy Brain and restore your energy, focus, and productivity levels. Order The Busy Brain Cure now to access the complete protocol


Score 40 – 70

Over 82% of test takers are in the Brain Strain or Brain Strain with Burnout category. This score indicates that you are already experiencing burnout or will very soon. High levels of stress are straining your mental, hormonal, and physical health.

Your Busy Brain might be affecting your mood, sleep, weight, digestion, and hormones.

It’s important to address your Busy Brain now before you find yourself facing burnout. We’ll start by fixing your sleep. Review Week 1 of the brainSHIFT Protocol below to get started. Order The Busy Brain Cure now to access the complete protocol.

brainSTRAIN & Burnout

Score 71 – 100

Over 82% of test takers are in the Brain Strain or Brain Strain with Burnout category. This score indicates that you are already experiencing burnout or will very soon. High stress levels are affecting your mental, hormonal, and physical health.

You suffer from a severe Busy Brain, which is affecting every aspect of your life. You are experiencing disruptions in your mood, sleep, weight, digestion, and hormones.

It’s essential to take action now to recover your health. We’ll start by fixing your sleep. Review Week 1 of the brainSHIFT Protocol below to get started. Order The Busy Brain Cure now to access the complete protocol

What is a Busy Brain?

brainSHIFT to Tame a Busy Brain

Busy Brain manifests in a number of different ways. Does any of this sound familiar to you?

A Busy Brain is a pattern of neuroinflammation caused by chronic stress and burnout. Busy Brain manifests as a combination of anxiety, adult-onset attention deficit disorder (ADD /ADHD), and insomnia.

Start Healing Your Busy Brain Today

The brainSHIFT Protocol is a proven 8-week plan designed to cure your Busy Brain. It’s easy to implement and much more cost-effective than working with a concierge doctor. Most importantly, it provides a long-term solution to taming symptoms of a Busy Brain so you hit your peak mental, physical, and professional performance. You can access the entire protocol in Dr. Romie’s national best-selling book, The Busy Brain Cure.

You can start healing neuroinflammation today by implementing two powerful brainSHIFTs.

brainSHIFT #1: Digital Detox

What if I told you that one simple change in your evening routine could dramatically improve your sleep? If you struggle to fall and stay asleep, it’s a sign that your brain is overstimulated.

One of the leading causes of this is exposure to digital devices before bed. The combination of blue light and the dopamine hit you get each time you hear your phone ding is a recipe for sleep disaster.

The Solution is Digital Detox
Follow these steps for 1 week and pay attention to how your sleep changes during this time. For better results, extend the practice for 2 weeks (and keep it going for life!).

  • Light a candle and spend a few minutes longer on your nighttime hygiene rituals.
  • Sip a cup of herbal tea.
  • Write down 3 things you’re grateful for today.
  • Read a book (but not on your Kindle!).
  • Take a few quiet moments to connect with your partner, child, or fur baby.

brainSHIFT #2: The Hydration Protocol

This top secret brainSHIFT is not available anywhere else – not even in my book, The Busy Brain Cure! Here what’s you’ll get when you download the Hydration Protocol:

  • Effortless Brain Boost: Discover a method easier than hours at the gym or in meditation sessions that primes your brain for peak performance.
  • Discover Nature’s Key Players: Learn about the essential elements that most overlook. Their influence on your brain will amaze you.
  • Revolutionize Your Daily Rituals: Rethink your everyday choices. Some subtle shifts can lead to a huge change in your hydration levels.

The Complete Cure for Your Busy Brain

Dr. Romie Mushaq, MD is the author of the national bestseller The Busy Brain Cure. This book contains the groundbreaking approach to healing the root cause of anxiety, adult-onset ADHD, and insomnia through the brainSHIFT Protocol.

Buy The Busy Brain Cure today to:

  • Unlock the 8-week brainSHIFT Protocol: A holistic cure that resets your brain, combining the science behind Busy Brain with practical steps to fix your sleep, tame anxiety, and improve your focus.
  • Biohack Your Life: Learn to curb sugar cravings and stress-eating through nutritional microhabits – no diet or cleanse required!
  • Heal the Root Cause: Gain insights into the interconnectedness of ADHD, anxiety, and insomnia, and how brainSHIFT reverses these symptoms.
  • Transform Your Performance: Integrate evidence-based microhabits (brainSHIFTs) to minimize stress and maximize performance.

Backed by over 20 years of clinical research and real-world application, The Busy Brain Cure is the ultimate guide to taming your Busy Brain and reaching your peak performance.

Dr. Romie in doctor's coat with stethoscope

Meet Dr. Romie Mushtaq, MD

Dr. Romie Mushtaq is a board-certified physician (Neurology & Integrative Medicine) and an award-winning speaker on leadership and workplace wellness. She brings over 20 years of authority in neurology, integrative medicine, and mindfulness to work with Fortune 500 companies, elite athletes, and global organizations. In her role as Chief Wellness Officer for Great Wolf Resorts, she highlights the importance of workplace wellness and the ripple effect it has on our communities as a whole. She is frequently asked to share her insights on popular media channels including TED Talks, NPR, NBC, USA Today, Inc., and Forbes.

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