Before implementing a successful company-wide wellness and mindfulness program, establishing a foundation or road map to employee well-being is crucial. At Evolution Hospitality (Evo), the company was founded with the idea that we believe in developing the whole person, and Evo’s roadmap is the Wellness Triangle. In this episode, Chief Wellness Officer and host, Dr. Romie, explains the elements of Evo’s Wellness Triangle. You’ll also hear advice on where to start on mapping out your wellness journey as well as the workplace wellness and mindfulness programs being launched at Evo in 2019.

Dr. Romie Mushtaq
Evo’s Foundation for Workplace Well-being: Understanding and Implementing The Wellness Triangle
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Dr. Romie Mushtaq
Dr. Romie Mushtaq, MD is a physician, keynote speaker, and Chief Wellness Officer. Dr. Romie combines her unique expertise in Neurology, Integrative Medicine & mindfulness as a highly sought-after speaker to teach stress management, workplace health/wellness, and mindful leadership to Fortune 500 companies, Universities and associations around the globe. Dr. Romie currently serves as Chief Wellness Officer for Evolution Hospitality guide the wellness of an organization of 6000 employees. Learn more on the Wellness Evolved Podcast.