Category: Corporate Mindfulness

Blog Header - Why Does the Whole World Lack Empathy?

Why Does the Whole World Lack Empathy?

Congratulations, you made it to the final month of 2020. Let’s all take a moment to pause, inhale deeply, exhale (or scream if you would like). ...
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Connect to Gratitude in Troubled Times

“It is not happiness that brings us gratitude. It is gratitude that brings us happiness.” When I work with corporate clients or clients in my ...
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Is Pandemic or Political Stress Wreaking Havoc on Your Hormones?

Is Pandemic or Political Stress Wreaking Havoc on Your Hormones?

Is your mood, memory, or weight feeling out of sync? Stress has become a baseline pandemic-WFH vibe. You, your family, your coworkers, me, who is ...
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Meditation: Two Steps & Two Minutes to Refocus & Feel Calm

Two Steps & Two Minutes to Refocus & Feel Calm

Whether it is in the workplace, helping children with virtual school, binge-watching old episodes of 80s sitcoms, or connecting with friends – we cannot avoid ...
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