Category: Corporate Health and Wellness

physician burnout

Mindful Medicine to Transform Physician Burnout

June 27, 2018: The topic of burnout seems to be overused yet ineffectively addressed. What is the role of meditation and mindfulness for healing?
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group meditation for team

Meditate Together, Move Forward in Success Together: Corporate Meditation & Mindfulness at Evolution Hospitality

May 18, 2018: Why is taking a team pause important? Let's talk about the brain science and psychology of how stopping to pause helps us ...
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Mindful Leadership

4 Mindful & Easy Tips for Happiness at Work

November 8, 2017: The stress-success-stress cycle can perpetuate a chase for that happy feeling while ignoring what the mind needs. Here are 4 tips to ...
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Mindful Leadership

Qualities to Cultivate for Mindful Leadership

April 10, 2017: In this free download, you will learn how to set intentions and boundaries, improve life-work balance, improve your relationship, and start a ...
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